Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Great news! We are not alone!


I have found a couple of very interesting forum discussions which are well worth reading if you want to program your own hearing aids:

It's comforting to find that other people want to program their hearing aids. Interestingly, the RNID discussion is one of the most popular/commented/participated discussions of all - that's encouraging.

By the way, while you're at it, do explore both forums - there are many other threads that are of interest to us there.

If you find any other especially interesting and relevant forums, please use the comments box to add a link below.


  1. Hi Believe it or not I was the first one to start the 'why cant i program my hearing aids' on the rnid website.
    I'm very sad to report that i have not been able to get any further programming my own aid due to difficulty and cost of getting a programmer.

  2. Thanks very much for your comment. Getting a HI-PRO programmer is not difficult if you're prepared to pay the money. Programmers and leads are very expensive but they could be considered cheap compared to the price of private hearing aids. Personally I have no regrets about buying my programmer (apart from wishing I'd bought it sooner) - it has changed my life immeasurably for the better.

    DIY programming does seem to be becoming more common so I hope that manufacturers will make it easier for all of us in the future. At the moment the software (iPFG) is too unfriendly for me to be able to say that anyone could use it. But if you're an experimental sort of person, it's kind of fun to work out what each control does.
